Do you think you’re being underpaid at work? If you work really hard to earn a fair paycheck, it can seem extremely unfair when you don’t feel appreciated by your employer – and especially when you find out you’re not getting paid a fair salary!
Maybe you’ve just found out your co-worker is getting paid more than you, even though you’re in a similar position and have the same amount of experience.
If you’ve been in this situation, you will know how worthless it can make you feel. You might feel as though your employer doesn’t care. But, if you believe you’re being underpaid, luckily, there are some things you can do about it.
Here are some tips to help you get the pay you deserve:
1. Make sure you’re really being underpaid
Before jumping in, it’s very important to find out if you’re actually being underpaid. You may have your suspicions, but without facts, it’s hard to move forward.
If you’ve been at the same company for a long time or if your salary hasn’t increased in line with inflation, this could be a sign that you’re not being paid enough.
But if you want to know for sure, take some time to surf a few salary comparison sites. Look at the online data available to compare your salary to others in similar jobs in the same industry. If they’re getting more than you, it’s time to take action!
2.Find out what you’re worth
Prior to pursuing the issue, you need to decide how exactly much money you will be asking for. If you believe you’re being underpaid, you need to gather evidence and data to back up your case. To do this, you need to determine your market value.
There’s a lot to consider with this, as your salary isn’t based on the job role alone. There are other factors that make a difference, such as your experience, the size and culture of the company, and the cost of living in the location you’re in.
To get an idea of what other people in your role paid, you can use an online tool like Glassdoor or Pay Scale which can help you see what you should be getting based on your circumstances.
3. Raise the issue with your employer
After determining how much you should be paid, the next step is to bring it up in a meeting with your boss. If you don’t have a pay review scheduled, you can request your own meeting. However, you should try and approach your boss before any pay rise decisions are made.
The way you ask for a raise can make a huge difference. So, we recommend planning out what you’re going to say in advance. This will make you appear more confident and minimize nerves.
Request a meeting at a convenient time when you can both concentrate fully, and make your case. Explain why you think you deserve more money for your job and why you’re worth it.
When doing this, it’s very important not to make threats or mention your personal needs. Keep it professional at all times. And, always ensure you have realistic expectations. There may be setbacks, so be prepared to negotiate for the best possible deal.
4. Be prepared to walk away if necessary
Sometimes, even when you have a great case and feel you deserve to be paid more, your employer might say no. If this is the case, you might decide that your only option is to walk away. This is something you should be prepared to do in some situations.
If, after careful consideration, your choice is to quit, make sure you leave on good terms. Then, update your resume and start searching for something that you believe to be more suitable. And, remember, if the job itself is the problem, more pay won’t make it worth doing!
Of course, after raising concerns about your pay, it’s hard to know what your employer is going to say or do about it. But, if you follow these tips, you’ll be able to negotiate the salary you deserve. If you don’t get what you want, don’t be afraid to look for another job.
We know it’s not easy, but you know your worth and deserve to be paid fairly, especially when you’re performing your job effectively! If you’re a valuable employee, you can get compensated fairly and should be empowered to walk away from any employer that can’t provide it.