signs underpaid

You work hard for your money—but how much money is that? If you put a lot of effort into your career, you should be getting fair compensation. If you think your income doesn’t reflect your work, here are some ways to see if you should be paid more.


1. Online Salary Data Says So

If you suspect that you may be underpaid, you can do a quick search online about average salaries. Online data will inform you about the various jobs in your area and what kind of salary you can expect. With this information, you can get an idea of whether your income is on-par or too low.


2. You Don’t Even Earn Minimum Wage

The minimum wage in your region will be different than that in another one. If you suspect that you’re underpaid, be sure to research your local minimum wage numbers.

If you’re not making the hourly minimum wage rates with a full-time job, this is something to bring up at a meeting with your supervisor.


3. Those in Similar Industries Make More

Once you find out that your peers with similar jobs make more money, you might ask yourself why. If there’s no valid reason for their higher paycheck, probably you need to make changes.


4. Online Tools and Other Online Data

There are a lot of online tools that you can use to discover average salaries in your area. The “Know Your Worth” tool gathers your personal information, including your work history and education to give you an idea of the common figures. You can even fill out your personal information and get a free estimate of what you should be earning. 

This can be very helpful to see if you’re being given fair pay in your field based on your experience.


5. Your Coworkers Earn More for the Same Job

You might come across a loud coworker who’s very open. If you hear anyone bragging about their high salary for the same job, you may begin doing your due diligence. And if someone is talking about your unfair salary or compensation package, make sure to listen carefully.


6. Your Company Posts a Job Opportunity Making More Money

Keep an eye on job websites and any postings your company makes—if they’re offering higher pay for the same kind of job you’re doing, then you need to take action.

Not only is it unfair to be underpaid, but it would be even worse to have a brand-new coworker make more than you!


7. Positive Performance Reviews Never Result in More Money

If you’ve only received positive performance reviews for the past few years, then you should expect a conversation about a raise. However, if this doesn’t happen, you might be working harder than your salary reflects.

If you feel you deserve to make more, you are welcome to bring that up to your supervisors. Use your positive performance reviews as evidence that it’s time for a pay increase.


8. Any Increase in Salary is Minor 

If it’s taking you years to see any significant changes in your pay, then it’s likely you’re not making what you should. The longer you are successful with a company, the more you should be making!

Pay attention to salary bumps, and don’t be afraid to bring your concerns to your supervisors. If the increases hardly make an impact, it might be time for a significant raise.


9. Your Responsibilities Grow but Your Pay Does Not

If you have an increased number of tasks on your plate, your income should reflect that. Keep an eye on the responsibilities you’re given and how much they’ve changed since you’ve started. This way you can get an idea of whether you’re being underpaid. 


10. Your Paycheck Stays the Same While the Company Flourishes

A successful company should reward its employees with an increased income. However, if you don’t see higher numbers that reflect your team’s success, you’re likely underpaid.

If your company’s doing very well, it’s time to raise some flags and start asking questions about why your pay hasn’t improved.


11. Your Coworkers Get Bonuses but You Don’t

If everyone in your office is celebrating bonuses that you know nothing about, you could be in some trouble. This is especially true if you’ve been helping with the same projects and putting in the work!

Don’t be afraid to ask around to find out why others are receiving bonuses, and whether or not you should be in that same circle. 



No one should be underpaid, regardless of the type of job they’re doing. Book that meeting with your boss to establish the changes you deserve.

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