mistakes at work

We all want to make a good impression at work and be respectful of others. Although most of us know what’s required – show up on time, meet deadlines, and respect our managers – there are also a few things not to do if you want to succeed. 

Here are some mistakes you should definitely avoid making when you’re at work: 

1. Taking on too many tasks 

Multi-tasking is a great skill to have, and going above and beyond is a good way to get in your boss’s good books, 

But, constantly volunteering for extra work and overcommitting can be a major error, especially if you find the quality of your work and overall performance is suffering. 

If you’re working on too many projects or tasks at the same time, it can be hard to figure out what your priorities are and what you should be focusing on. 

Most employers will be looking for employees that can meet their deadlines. You should always prioritize when needed and make sure you only take on what you can handle. 

If you find yourself taking on too many tasks or overcommitting, you should speak to your manager and politely explain the situation to them so it can be addressed. 

2. Having a negative attitude 

Complaining about work and bringing negativity in the workplace is another big mistake. It creates a bad atmosphere and is very unprofessional. 

Even if you dislike your job or manager, it’s best not to complain openly. This includes when you’re in the workplace, as well as at informal work events and on online platforms. 

If you feel really unhappy at work, a better way to deal with it is to figure out which parts of your job you’re unhappy with so you can try and improve the situation. 

You can then try speaking to your manager or supervisor to see if you can be put on a different project or task, or you could even ask to move to a different department. 

3. Not taking opportunities 

If you want to progress in your career, it’s important to take any opportunities that come up. If you’re offered something amazing, make sure you go for it! 

Sometimes people get comfortable in their jobs and don’t keep their options open. Even if you love your job, there still might be a position that’s better for you. 

If you ignore these opportunities or are too hesitant, these opportunities can pass and you won’t grow and learn as much as you could. 

4. Getting involved in gossip

The next big mistake to avoid at work is getting involved in office gossip and drama. Although it may be tempting (especially if your colleagues are doing it) it’s best to not get involved. 

Always avoid badmouthing your coworkers. Under the wrong circumstances, you could end up in serious trouble with HR or your supervisors. 

Remember to respect people’s privacy. Gossiping makes you seem untrustworthy, which can really hinder your progress at work, especially if you’re in a leadership position or would like to be in one in the future. 

Additionally, gossip can lead to a toxic work environment. Studies show it can increase unhappiness among employees and affect productivity. So, if you want to impress your superiors, this is definitely something to avoid. 

5. Not having a work-life balance 

It’s important to work hard. However, you should also make sure you maintain a balanced approach. Otherwise, you might start to experience burnout that will affect your performance, 

By scheduling time to do other things rather than focusing on your job 100% of the time, you will be less stressed and able to deliver your work and perform your role to a higher standard. 

You should always ensure you take your vacation days and scheduled breaks. Get out of the office for a while to clear your head and reflect. 

6. Taking too many personal calls 

As we just mentioned, having a balanced approach is essential. But, this also means that, when you’re at work, you should aim to be completely focused on your tasks.

Even if you’re in a busy office, if you keep taking personal calls or checking your social media accounts, chances are, someone will notice.

If your coworkers or manager see you spending hours on personal conversations, this can cause serious problems and even lead to disciplinary action. 

Plus, it’s important to note that some companies track your data. So if you’re using your workplace’s network, they may catch you out even if you’re careful. 

7. Not learning from your mistakes 

Lastly, remember that mistakes are a normal part of life – not something to avoid at all costs. In fact, making some small mistakes can be a valuable learning experience, as long as you learn from them! 

If you do something wrong at work, make sure you take note. Don’t just brush them off. This way, you can avoid making the same errors over and over again. 


The more you improve yourself by learning in this way, the more you can prove your potential and impress your bosses. 

Do you currently make any of the mistakes on this list? If you do, don’t worry! There’s always time to make changes and correct them. It’s important to keep learning as you go along.