Download our cover letter template, personalize it, and save it as a PDF file.
A modern, one-page template in Microsoft Word format that you can easily adjust using copy and paste
Stress-free way to build a personalized cover letter
5 Most Important Tips for Writing a Cover Letter
Here are some top tips for writing a cover letter that stands out:
- Make sure it’s clear and concise and sticks to the point – avoid rambling. The whole letter should be between half a page and a full page of text.
- Pick out 3 or 4 qualities the employer is looking for, and provide specific evidence and examples of how you match this.
- Always research the company first, and include information about them. Tell them what impresses you the most, along with why you think you’re a perfect fit.
- Your letter should be presented well and free from typos and spelling errors. Proofread it before you send it out.
- Finish with a call-to-action: politely ask them to contact you to discuss the job and invite you for a meeting or interview.
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- You don’t have to install any fonts for this template. If you want to change fonts, there are plenty to choose from in Microsoft Word.
- To change the color of the template, right-click on the colorful area and choose “Format Shape,” then “Fill,” and “Color.”
- Read the instructions we provided in the template, and get to work!
This template is in English and was built particularly for job seekers in the USA, but you can definitely use it for international job applications.