Is your side hustle draining you? You have to learn how to balance it with your full-time job. It can be tricky—but possible! Read our tips and ideas on how to manage them both without burning out.
- Start with identifying your goal
- Find a full-time job with a fixed schedule
- Make sure your side hustle is allowed
- Review and follow policies regarding side gigs
- Get prepared to buckle down and hustle
- Expect to find it tough when you start
- Set the right expectations
- Start small and scale up
- Maintain strict boundaries between your jobs
- Embrace your full-time employment
- Be a model employee
- Be grateful for your side business
- Wake up early & invest in you
- Develop a morning and evening routine
- Give up your day off
- Get organized
- Block out times on your calendar
- Manage your time wisely
- Take time off to just think
- Plan a schedule that works for YOU
- Budget your time like you budget money
- Set milestones that’ll force you to launch
- Be realistic about what you can accomplish
- Be patient
- Prioritize and sacrifice
- Be selective with your work
- Put down the remote
- Bundle work where you can
- Spend more time doing than planning
- Know your limits
- Avoid getting fired from your day job
- Unplug at least once a week
- Clear your head with exercise after work
- Beware of side hustle burnout
- Schedule in some fun
- Find time for self-care
- Stay healthy, don’t get sick
- Buy equipment that helps you be more productive
- Store all your documents in the cloud so you can access them from any device
- Learn how to delegate effectively
- Automate tasks and outsource where you can
- Surround yourself with supportive people and ask for help if necessary
- Don’t leave your full-time job too early
- Build a sustainable flow of customers before quitting your day job