side hustle

Is your side hustle draining you? You have to learn how to balance it with your full-time job. It can be tricky—but possible! Read our tips and ideas on how to manage them both without burning out. 


  1. Start with identifying your goal
  2. Find a full-time job with a fixed schedule
  3. Make sure your side hustle is allowed
  4. Review and follow policies regarding side gigs
  5. Get prepared to buckle down and hustle
  6. Expect to find it tough when you start
  7. Set the right expectations
  8. Start small and scale up
  9. Maintain strict boundaries between your jobs
  10. Embrace your full-time employment 
  11. Be a model employee
  12. Be grateful for your side business
  13. Wake up early & invest in you
  14. Develop a morning and evening routine
  15. Give up your day off
  16. Get organized
  17. Block out times on your calendar
  18. Manage your time wisely
  19. Take time off to just think
  20. Plan a schedule that works for YOU
  21. Budget your time like you budget money
  22. Set milestones that’ll force you to launch
  23. Be realistic about what you can accomplish
  24. Be patient
  25. Prioritize and sacrifice
  26. Be selective with your work
  27. Put down the remote
  28. Bundle work where you can
  29. Spend more time doing than planning
  30. Know your limits
  31. Avoid getting fired from your day job
  32. Unplug at least once a week
  33. Clear your head with exercise after work
  34. Beware of side hustle burnout
  35. Schedule in some fun
  36. Find time for self-care
  37. Stay healthy, don’t get sick
  38. Buy equipment that helps you be more productive
  39. Store all your documents in the cloud so you can access them from any device
  40. Learn how to delegate effectively
  41. Automate tasks and outsource where you can
  42. Surround yourself with supportive people and ask for help if necessary
  43. Don’t leave your full-time job too early
  44. Build a sustainable flow of customers before quitting your day job

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