Social media can be a valuable tool for your job search. However, it can also derail your efforts by giving a potential employer the wrong impression of you. Imagine you post pictures of the weekend’s booze cruise on Facebook. Will a potential employer pass you over? Very likely! But if you use social media appropriately, it can help you find a job much faster.

Potential employers look online to learn all about possible candidates. So be aware of these biggest social media mistakes because they could hurt your job search.

  1. No online presence
  2. Demonstrating poor communication skills
  3. Spelling and grammar flaws
  4. Plagiarism
  5. Tasteless comments, inappropriate and profane remarks
  6. Extreme political or religious views
  7. Offensive images
  8. Posts on drug use
  9. Photos with alcohol
  10. Nude photos
  11. Showing too much skin or too much makeup
  12. Cyberbullying
  13. Complaining about current or past employer
  14. Job and customer complaints
  15. Posting untruthful information on qualifications
  16. Posting content about searching for a new job
  17. Sharing confidential information
  18. Racism or sexism
  19. Being negative
  20. Showing off wealth and big purchases

If you want to learn how to use LinkedIn to your advantage, check out our online course “How To Create An Amazing Linkedin Profile.”

Create an amazing LinkedIn profile

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