job interview tips

A job interview is probably the most important step in your job search journey. It’s your chance to show the hiring manager that you’re the best fit for the role.

There is so much advice being shared on the internet, that it can get tricky to decide which one to take. We’ve pulled together our 30 best tips to help you with what to do before, during and after an interview.

These tips will help you prepare for the big day so you’ll get through your interview with flying colors! 


What to do before an interview

  1. Start by researching the company and your interviewers
  2. Prepare for common interview questions
  3. Line up your questions for the interviewer
  4. Practice, practice, practice, and then practice some more
  5. Be ready to handle illegal and inappropriate questions
  6. Get a good night’s sleep the night before
  7. Make sure your clothes are clean and wrinkle-free
  8. Prepare a list of references
  9. Be prepared with examples of your work
  10. Eat a good breakfast to be more alert and focused


What to do during an interview

  1. Make a great first impression
  2. Keep eye contact
  3. Be yourself
  4. Listen carefully to the interviewer and take notes
  5. Keep your answers concise and focused
  6. Relate your skills, accomplishments, and objectives to the needs of the company
  7. Speak the right body language
  8. Bring a copy of your resume to every interview
  9. Do not speak negatively about your previous employer
  10. Ask prepared questions


What to do after an interview

  1. State that you enjoyed the meeting and send thank-you notes
  2. Thank the interviewer for their time
  3. Ask about next steps
  4. Write down anything important that you discussed
  5. Keep thinking and learning about the company
  6. Evaluate your performance
  7. Create a list of items that you did well and that you would like to improve on
  8. Don’t abandon your job search
  9. Accept rejections with grace 
  10. If you get a job offer remain professional and don’t forget to negotiate


If you want to hone your interview skills, check out our online video course “How To Ace A Job Interview.”

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