Want to prepare answers to possible interview questions? This article will lead you through general tips on how to answer interview questions.

Preparation for the interview can determine your chances of making it to the next round.

By preparing answers, you can develop ways to make a great impression and to stand out from the crowd.  As you prepare and practice for your interview we don’t recommend having a canned response for every possible question. However, you should spend some time getting comfortable with what you might be asked.

Go ahead and identify your relevant accomplishments, skills and why you want the job. You will incorporate these items in many of your interview responses. Write down the main points which will allow you to sound comfortable and natural when talking in the interview and don’t try to memorize scripts because your responses could sound unnatural or even robotic. 

For a better preparation you can record your interview responses and then watch it and observe how you come across.

Do you look confident? Do you fully answer the questions? How are your posture and body language? Identify weak points in your responses and delivery. Make adjustments to your responses as needed. And make sure that you rather practice than memorize.

For the actual interview you should answer your questions according to the following rules:

  1. Talk naturally, as if you’re talking to someone you’ve just met at a networking event. Use intonation to engage the listener, saying important words louder, longer, and higher in pitch than the others.
  2. Keep it professional
  3. Inject passion and enthusiasm into your answers 
  4. Pause between thoughts. For example, “I attended William Jewell College where I earned a bachelor’s degree in International Business and French.” <Pause> “As a student, I served as the president of the school’s Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Student Association.” <Pause>.
  5. Match the interviewer’s speed and volume.
  6. Keep your answers brief. You should be able to answer most questions within 60-90 seconds. However, if you are asked a simple factual question like “Where did you grow up,” answer it directly, spending less than 20 seconds. Also, in your response to a common opening question, “tell me about yourself,” you may need up to two minutes to respond. The interview should be interactive between you and the interviewer. By answering succinctly, they will be able to follow you and process your answers and then ask you follow up questions. Avoid sharing irrelevant details, and show the interviewers you respect their time. 
  7. Deliver specific examples as often as you can. 

Apply all these tips and you will make a great first impression!

If you want to hone your interview skills, sign up for our online video course “How To Ace A Job Interview.”

How to ace a job interview

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