Many people believe employees today, especially from the younger crowd, are flighty. The assumption is that young workers are disloyal or job-hoppers, and are constantly searching for their next career move. 

But, the statistics say otherwise. On average, today’s employees don’t change jobs more often than before. In fact, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average employee tenure in 1983 was around 3.5 years. Today, it’s jumped to 5.1 years. 

For many employers, this is great news! However, some are still experiencing a very high turnover of staff. In these cases, it’s often down to poor management.

Here are some of the things managers do that turn off employees and make them quit:


1. Not trusting employees

A common reason for employees quitting their jobs is a perceived lack of trust from their bosses. Micromanaging, which often entails endless questioning and needing to be involved in all aspects of decision making, can be a massive turn off for employees. 

Most employees, especially the higher performers, don’t need this level of interference. They are qualified and can do their job well. 

This means that, when employers micromanage them, it can become restrictive and cause stress and anxiety. Of course, it’s important to guide employees, but it’s also essential to trust them to perform the roles they’re paid for. 


2. Lack of appreciation

Employees that don’t feel valued by their employers are much more likely to quit! This is often down to the company itself, with problems like being unfairly compensated or not getting any benefits or bonuses having a huge effect on leaving rates. 

However, a lack of appreciation isn’t always money-related. It can also be due to the managers providing no positive feedback or praise. This creates a negative atmosphere that can drive the best employees to look elsewhere. 


3. Not encouraging development 

The best employees are passionate about progressing, and they usually have clear ambitions about their career path. Not recognizing and nurturing talent, creativity, and skills often mean the most talented employees end up leaving! 

Employers need to encourage engagement and development. This means providing opportunities to grow and advance through training, promotions, or in other areas. 

Not investing in competent employees and not encouraging them to work on themselves and move forward is a common reason for a high staff turnover. Many workers would rather look elsewhere than stay in a dead-end job that isn’t intellectually challenging!


4. Poor leadership skills 

Another common reason for good employees leaving is having a manager with poor leadership skills. For example, they may have poor people skills or not communicate effectively with employees, or they might fail to provide regular constructive feedback. 

Having a manager without the right skills can result in a toxic environment for employees, especially if they are unable to motivate them and provide an enjoyable, well-structured working environment. This is a big influencer in staff choosing to leave or seek employment elsewhere! 

5. Unreasonable expectations 

Having unreasonable expectations of employees is a frequent cause of unhappiness in employees – and it makes them more likely to quit!

This could be in terms of giving too many responsibilities or expecting workers to complete tasks that aren’t in their job descriptions on a regular basis. Expecting employees to go above and beyond without any recognition can end up causing resentment. 

Or, it could be that the manager is expecting them to work too many hours. Having a healthy work-life balance with boundaries is important to most employees. If this is ignored, over time, it can drastically increase the chances of them leaving. 


6. Not respecting employees 

A big mistake managers make is not respecting their employees and treating them as individuals. This is highly important in creating a positive experience and work and for retaining the best employees in the long-term. 

One example of this would be ignoring valid complaints and suggestions or ignoring any key issues that are brought up. It can also mean not recognizing the hard work and achievements of others, or even taking credit for other peoples’ work. 

Employees want (and need) to feel respected. So, when they feel that they have earned respect and it is deserved, they often leave. Managers that treat people badly and don’t care about workers are very likely to drive away their most skilled staff! 

After reading this list, you might find that your manager does one or more of these things. If this is the case, your first reaction might be to just leave the company. Although this is understandable, it’s often possible to improve the situation. 

Try discussing the issues with your boss. They may not realize their behavior is a problem. And remember, it’s okay to demand respect from your supervisor and ask for more support!

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