Photo by mail272
Want to delegate work more effectively? If you’re a manager or a leader, you have to master the art of delegation. Learning how to divide the work among the team will increase your productivity and success. If you’re unsure how to do it properly, read our tips.
- Know when to delegate. Use the “70 percent rule.” If another person is able perform the task at least 70 percent as well as you can, delegate it.
- Learn how to let go
- Find the right tasks to delegate
- Delegate responsibility and authority and not only tasks
- Select the right person to delegate to
- Allow the person to control his or her own methods and processes
- Explain why you’re delegating
- Establish an understanding of the task assigned
- Ask for any concerns they may have and their suggestions and ideas
- Furnish context for the task and be clear on the objectives and outcomes
- Provide clear instructions and monitor progress
- Determine standards and establish the major dos and don’ts
- Discuss timelines and deadlines
- Agree on a schedule of checkpoints at which you’ll review project progress
- Maintain open lines of communication
- Provide adequate support
- Be available to answer questions
- Provide resources and training if needed
- Focus on results
- Get ongoing non-intrusive feedback about progress on the project
- Take time to review all submitted work
- Provide quality feedback
- If you are not satisfied with the progress, ask the person to make adjustments and do not do the task yourself!
- Keep in mind that nobody can accomplish a task in exactly the same way as you would do. Sometimes, as long as it doesn’t hurt the business, you should accept the result only to motivate others, even if it’s not perfect but good enough.
- Say thank you and show your appreciation
If you want more insight into delegation, read the book “Delegation and Supervision” by Brian Tracy